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Counseling & Advising

Academic Notice and Dismissal

Academic Notice

Students are placed on academic notice when their cumulative GPA is less than 2.0 in all units attempted that semester. After the conclusion of each fall and spring semester, students who have earned academic notice status are notified by e-mail. This notification may instruct students to enroll in certain courses, attend various workshops, and utilize tutoring and counseling services to immediately improve academic standing.

Students on academic notice are responsible for improving and maintaining satisfactory academic standing.

Academic Progress Notice

A student is placed on Academic Progress Notice when 50 percent or more of all the units attempted that semester are graded with the symbols "W," "I," and/or "NP." Academic Progress Notice in dismissal status commences during the semester that the student has enrolled in at least 12 cumulative units.

Removal from Academic Notice & Academic Progress

A student who has been placed on Academic Notice or Academic Progress Notice  is removed from this status when:

  1. The Grade Point Average (GPA) in all units attempted at Butte College is greater than or equal to 2.0.

  2. The percentage of all units attempted at Butte College graded with the symbols "W," "I," and "NP" is less than fifty percent (50%).


At the end of each fall and spring term, students on Academic Notice or Academic Progress Notice may be dismissed if  one or more of the following conditions apply:

  1. The student has been on Academic Notice for three consecutive semesters;
  2. The student has been on Academic Progress Notice for three consecutive semesters;
  3. The student has been on a combination of Academic Notice and Academic Progress Notice for three consecutive semesters.

For purposes of dismissal, semesters shall be considered consecutive on the basis of the student's enrollment, so long as the break in the student's enrollment does not exceed one full primary term. Students are notified of their dismissal from the College by mail, and urged to confer with a counselor immediately.

Butte College may dismiss students at the conclusion of each spring and fall term after 3 semesters of probation. Students placed in dismissal status may be required to sit out for a period of up to one year according to the guidelines set forth below.

Students on notice who have demonstrated improvement in their academic standing in the third semester prior to dismissal will be placed in dismissal status; however, these students will:

  • Not be subject to a sit out period
  • Will be automatically granted reinstatement
  • Will not be dropped from any classes in which they have enrolled in the subsequent term

Demonstrated improvement in academic standing in the third semester prior to dismissal is defined as:

  • GPA of 2.0 or better in that semester; and/or
  • 51% or more units attempted that semester have been completed.

Students on notice who have not demonstrated improvement in their academic standing in the third semester prior to dismissal may  be placed in dismissal status and:

  • May be required to sit out one semester and attend a readmission workshop for a 1st dismissal
  • Will be granted automatic reinstatement when the sit out period is completed
  • Will be dropped from any classes in which they have enrolled in the subsequent term

Lack of demonstrated improvement in academic standing in the third semester prior to dismissal is defined as:

  • GPA of less than 2.0 in that semester; and/or
  • Less than 50% of units attempted that semester have been completed

Students placed in dismissal status for a 2nd or subsequent time, without one of the appealable circumstances described, will be required to sit out for one year. Students placed in dismissal status for a 3rd or subsequent time must submit a petition to the Academic Council to be readmitted.

For assistance in submitting an Academic Council petition, contact Counseling and Advising at (530) 895-2511 to schedule an appointment.

Appealable Conditions

Students with a documented catastrophic injury, illness or other medical condition or an extenuating, non–recurring circumstance beyond the student's control may petition the Academic Council prior to the end of the third probationary semester. If approved by the Academic Council, these students will be placed in dismissal status; however, these students will:

  • Not be subject to a sit out period
  • Will be granted reinstatement
  • Will not be dropped from any classes in which they are enrolled in the subsequent term

For questions related to Academic Notice or Academic Progress Notice or dismissal, please contact our office to schedule an appointment with a counselor.




Monday - Thursday: 7:45 am - 5 pm

Friday: 8 am - 12 pm

Office Location:

Main Campus - Student Administrative Services, Room 134 (SAS 134)



Office Number: (530) 895-2378

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 4:30 pm

Friday: 8 am - 11:30 am



Para servicio en Español, haga su cita con Julio Delgado, Melissa Melendrez y Melina Torres.

For services in Khmer please request an appointment with Serey Vann.

Academic Dates

  • 3/25/2025

    Fall 2025 In-Person Orientation Session sign ups begin at 8AM. Register the day you attend orientation. Fall 2025 Online Orientation available for ...

  • 3/25/2025

    Priority registration begins at 8AM for EOPS, DSPS, Vets, Foster Youth, CalWORKs, TribalTANF, Eligible Parents, and Homeless Youth. 

  • 3/26/2025

    CONTINUING STUDENT registration begins at 9AM; MESA, TRIO, Athletes, Umoja, and Puente students register at 8AM.

  • 3/28/2025

    Last day to drop online with a “W” appearing on a transcript & WITHOUT instructor’s authorization by calling 530-895-2511; online through March 30.

  • 4/12/2025

    Deadline to submit Spring 2025 Graduation Applications to be eligible to participate in Commencement.

  • 4/25/2025

    Last day to drop with a “W” on a transcript WITH instructor’s authorization sent to

  • 5/21/2025

    OPEN Registration for all students, except K-12 begins at 8AM.

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